This Hawker will sell steam Groundnuts together with Maize, 'Kacang Kuda' (Chickpea) and 'Kacang Poi'. It has been existing there for more than 40 years and the trade has been passed down to his sons.
The Cart is always stationed at the Junction of Penang Road and Chowrasta Road which is nearby to the Chowrasta Market.

The Location Map of Steam Groundnuts
Google Map GPS : 5.418347,100.331456
The steam Groundnuts, Maize, 'Kacang Kuda' (Chickpea) and 'Kacang Poi' are very popular with the locals as snack food. The snack food must be taken while it is still warm. When it is cold it will lose its taste.
You will find that the steam Groundnuts, Maize, 'Kacang Kuda' (Chickpea) and 'Kacang Poi' from this hawker are always fresh.
Business Hours :-
Afternoon until 10.00pm
Closed on every Wednesday
No. 01 : View of the Cart at the Junction of Penang Road and Chowrasta Road
No. 02 : View of the Local Groundnuts
RM2.00 per Packet
RM4.50 per 500gm
The taste of the steam Local Groundnut is more tasty than the Groundnut from China. Sometimes he has to use the China Groundnuts instead of the local groundnuts because there are great demand for it and also short of supply from local market.
No. 03 : View of the Groundnuts from China
RM2.00 per Packet
RM4.50 per 500gm
No. 04 : View of Raw Maize
No. 05 : View of the Steam Maizes
RM1.40 per Maize
No. 06 : View of the Steam Maize after the skin has been removed
The Taste is so marvellous...... so sweeeeeet & yummmmmy
No. 07 : View of the Steam 'Kacang Kuda' (Chickpea)
RM2.00 per Packet
In Hokkien, they will call it 'Beh Tau' and In Bahasa Malaysia, we call it 'Kacang Kuda'. If it is literally translated into English Word, it will be become 'Horse Nuts'.....LoL
No. 08 : View of the Steam 'Kacang Poi'
RM2.00 per Packet
RM4.50 per 500gm
For your information, 'Kacang Poi' is a seasonal pea. Normally it is availalble in the middle and towards the end of the year (From August to November). Mostly the supply of 'Kacang Poi' comes from Thailand. In Hokkien, they call it 'Ang Moh Toh Tau'.
No. 09 : Closed Up View of 'Kacang Poi'
I find that a lot of people (esq the local) does not know how to eat this. You have to peel the soft husk before you eat it. There are 2 types of 'Kacang Poi'. One with yellowish colour (Left Side) and the other one reddish in colour (Right Side). The reddish one tastes better than the other one.
No. 10 : View of the New Price List
RM5.00 per 500gm of Steam Groundnut (Increased by RM0.50)
RM5.00 per 500gm 'Kacang Poi' (Increased by RM0.50)
The others remain changed.
No. 11: View of 'Kacang Poi' aka Bambara Beans were orignated from Africa.